Friday, December 12, 2008

I'll keep dreaming

I used to own a Macbook.

At four years old, it barely survived the trauma of our three kids. Dropped. Kicked. Poked with peanut butter fingers...I was more amused than annoyed when it was stolen. To boot-up it had to be coaxed and cajoled, pleaded with, prayed over and held up at weird angles. For awhile I had some sick satisfaction in knowing the little crook would never be able to start the machine.

Still, I was left without a laptop.

I've been a Mac guy as long as I can remember. Dad introduced us kids to the Apple when 512k wasn't something to laugh about. And MacPaint was just the absolute sweetest program for any aspiring artist. I wouldn't see Photoshop for a couple more years. But that year I received the top art student award. It was 1984.

Apple really was, and still is, for die-hard dreamers and I occasionally found myself dreaming. Or drooling. Still do.

So when my better half mentioned this little contest she entered, I thought, why not? What if? Just what if ....I won?

Dream: (insert moving story about solving world hunger here)

Maybe. But probably not.

Still, I would love to win one of these For her...of course.

According to the rules:

I must have at least two links back to the contest. Check.

And I must write at least 250 words. Check.

Wow. Contest entered! What if I really win? Maybe I could win one for the wife. And she could win one for me. Now that's a thought. I'll keep dreaming. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I hope you win. Both of you. For me, I can't dream about the new MacBook Pros. Despite the engineering marvels that Apple speaks of, it still looks awkward. At least the black keyboard will hide the mucky fingerprints.

Brenda Louden said...

Matt, I love the humour in your writing! You do that very well!
God bless...keep focussed.