Thursday, February 7, 2008

Learning Lessons

My wife just finished reading a book entitled Humility: True Greatness — by C.J. Mahaney

It had impacted her, she said. Which made me curious. Finally, the other day, I got around to asking her about it. I found her at the sink, up to her elbows in dishes. Singing along with the music in the background.

"Well, it's the reason I have the music on," She told me. "That book has helped me to see that staying in the discouragement of my situation is really just pride, and if I stay in my selfish pride — then God resists me," She set a dish in the drainer and continued.

"I put the music on so I would stop being discouraged and begin to share His thoughts."

I could hear "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet," playing softly. And I marveled at the lessons the Lord had been teaching her.

They seemed somehow familiar.

1 comment:

Jim said...

I am guessing she may not have been as willing to read that book had she not seen the humility demonstrated in yourself first.

Bless ya bro!